What kind of space do you require to hold these classes?
Depending on the size of the class (usually between 8 and 12) a small classroom with tables and chairs, white board, air conditioning, and projector screen.
Who does the marketing?
We ask that our Campus Partners do what they normally do with their other CE Courses – 1.) Add the course information to the outgoing CE Course Brochure and 2.) Add the information to the Campus Web site. We, in turn add the course information to our web site along with campus information and send out a Press Release to the State’s Telecommunications Association. We have the number one website on the Internet with over 4,500 visits per month. The Campus Partners handle all registrations in most cases.
Where do the instructors come from? What are their credentials and teaching experience?
We provide the instructors. ALL of our instructors are Certified Fiber Optic Instructors sanctioned by the Fiber Optic Association. In addition, all are retired are currently under contract with such companies like Verizon and GTE and have taught these types of courses for their entire adult life. For example, Peter Morcombe is the original founder of modern fiber optics as we know it today working with Dr. Charles Kao in the early 60’s and founded fiber optics data transmission. Please go to our website and read about him and some of our other instructors.
Where are the jobs? Local, Regional, National?
If a city has cable TV, Hospitals, telephones, new buildings, security companies, high schools, colleges, etc. –they all use and are installing fiber. Keep in mind that students can either come form your state, other states and other countries. We have had soldiers station in Iraq and from around the world fly in to take our courses at some of our campus partner locations over the years.
What do these jobs pay?
Considering our courses provide for Internationally Recognized Fiber Optic Technician Certifications, if a person wants to work in England I am not sure what the position will pay. In the states, the new technician usually starts between $15-$35 per hour as an employee or should he/she desire to become an independent contractor, the hourly rate is usually between $150.00 to $175.00/hour depending on the job.
Is there placement assistance?
No. The Fiber Optic Association and BDI DataLynk allows the technician to add their individual name and credentials to their sites. Please visit the FOA web site at: www.thefoa.org. Also, you should visit the BDI DataLynk, LLC web site at www.bdidatalynk.com. We are the largest campus based provider of fiber optics training in the world and our web site and the FOA’s web site or very popular.
If you are looking to build new partnerships, how closely will you be competing with your own programs?
We have been in business for almost 10 years now and have never competed against ourselves. We are, however, very careful and selective as to which Campuses we partner with. We are sharing the revenue with these campuses and have in the past withdrawn our offer to certain campuses that do not meet our criteria. There are numerous campuses that have been with us since we have been in business and there are others that are new with us. We would be happy to provide you with a list of our Campus Partners for your reference as well as a list of some or our students. You may wish to contact the FOA directly at 760-451-3655 and speak with the President, Mr. Jim Hayes, about our company. Generally, depending on the size of the state, we only partner with one campus.
What are your affiliations and accreditation?
Please visit our web site and see that all courses offered by BDI DataLynk, LLC are sanctioned by the Fiber Optic Association (FOA).
What are the payment options for students?
Please call us to discuss these details.
What is your lead time for putting a class in session?
Right now is a good time to get on the schedule for the fall semester as we have a few slots available. But our courses are very popular and the dates are first come first served. We will start working on next year’s schedule in June or July and will completely fill the 2010 schedule by the end of July of this year. Many of our campus partners are already asking for dates. So you see, we try and complete all contracts 6 months ahead. In most cases we offer our courses once a semester at most all of our campus partner locations.
What is the role of BDI in the partnership?
We bring $15,000 worth of equipment to each class, provide the Certified Fiber Optic Instructor, Text Book, the Student Study Manual Course CD, knowledge, print out the certificates on the spot for the student, provide the industry exam, handle all FOA applications at the end of each class, pay for the 1st year membership to the FOA and most of all – we support our students with technical assistance and tools and test equipment suggestions after they leave the classroom. Further, we pay the expenses for each and every instructor. Our instructors drive everywhere they go and we provide our own General Liability Insurance naming the individual campus as Additional Insured.
What is the role of the college in the partnership?
Collect the money, provide a classroom with tables and chairs, A/C, white board, projector screen, place our course information in regular brochure and on campus web page and pay BDI DataLynk with Net 30 Day Terms.